
FREE Consume vs. Create Weekly Tracker | Habit Tracker Instant Download PDF

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FREE Consume vs. Create Weekly Tracker | Habit Tracker Instant Download PDF


Achieve balance in your daily routine and boost your creativity with this easy-to-use Consume vs Create Weekly Tracker. This FREE 1-page PDF download allows you to track your daily consumption and creativity habits, so you can identify areas that need improvement and stay motivated to create more.


  • Stay accountable and track your progress in achieving a balanced consumption vs creativity ratio
  • Identify patterns in your habits and adjust accordingly to maximize your creative potential
  • Boost your productivity and creativity by prioritizing time for creating over consuming
  • Simplify your tracking process with this easy-to-use weekly tracker

What's included:

  • 1-page PDF download of the Consume vs Create Ratio Weekly Tracker

How to use it:

  1. Download and print the Consume vs Create Ratio Weekly Tracker
  2. Fill in the date range for the week you want to track
  3. Fill in the bubbles for every hour you've consumed or created content
  4. Review your progress at the end of the week and use it to adjust your habits for the upcoming week


  • Examples of Consuming:
    • Reading a book or article
    • Watching a movie or TV show
    • Listening to a podcast or music
    • Scrolling through social media
    • Eating food or drinking beverages
    • Reading a recipe or instructions for a project
    • Attending a lecture or seminar
    • Receiving medical treatment or therapy
    • Listening to someone speak or having a conversation
    • Observing the world around you, such as taking a walk or people-watching
    • Reading a map or following directions to navigate
  • Examples of Creating:
    • Recording a podcast or song
    • Creating a social media post or blog
    • Cooking or baking a meal from scratch
    • Encouraging a friend or family member
    • Painting, drawing, or creating art
    • Writing a letter or journaling
    • Starting a garden or planting flowers
    • Playing an instrument or composing music
    • Planning and organizing events, such as parties or gatherings
    • Solving problems and brainstorming solutions for a project or challenge
  • As you can see, media is not the only thing we consume or create on a daily basis. This exercise should help you think about any input or output in various forms.
  • You can take content quality into consideration. Taking a course or YouTube video on how to pay of debt is drastically different from scrolling through memes on Instagram. You may feel inspired by consuming and/or creating, just as you may feel burnt out by consuming and/or creating. Take note of your immediate mood after each activity.

With the Consume vs Create Ratio Weekly Tracker, you can finally achieve balance in your daily routine and unleash your full creative potential. Get your copy now and start tracking!

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